Buy Magic Mushrooms Online: The Best Brands And Products Available

It can be difficult to discern between high-quality and low-quality magic mushroom products due to their increasing popularity. This article will help you choose reputable brands and high-quality products so that you can get the most out of your purchase. Get ready for an eye-opening experience!

The Best Magic Mushroom Brands and Products
Quick Recommendation

When looking for magic mushrooms online, it can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Because of their increasing popularity, it can be challenging to tell good products from bad. This article will help you choose reputable brands and high-quality items so that you can get the most out of your purchase. Get ready for an eye-opening experience!

When looking for magic mushrooms online, it can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Because of their increasing popularity, it can be challenging to tell good products from bad. This article will help you choose reputable brands and high-quality items so that you can get the most out of your purchase. Get ready for an eye-opening experience!

Turkey Tail Mushroom

Magnificent immune-stimulating mushroom. Rich in antioxidants that enhance the capacity of the immune system's inherent defense cells, which shield the body from disease.

Cordyceps Mushroom

Cordyceps is your new training partner if you are looking for an all-natural supplement to help with fatigue, improve athletic performance, and improve overall well-being!

Lion's Mane Mushroom

With brain-boosting Lion's Mane mushroom, you may supercharge your senses and turn on your A game while studying or pushing for that promotion!

Chaga Mushroom

Help rid yourself of free radicals and return to the glowing, healthier, and younger-looking version of yourself with our anti-aging, immune-boosting, and detoxification products.

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushrooms are super mushrooms that strengthen the immune system, lower stress and anxiety, and improve mood. They are truly deserving of their original name, Lingzhi, which means "divine mushroom."

Tremella Mushroom

With the ultimate beauty supplement known as "the fountain of youth," you may reduce the indications of aging and improve the quality of your skin from the inside out.

Buy Magic Mushrooms Online

  • Magic mushrooms: This is the most general and broad keyword that refers to any mushroom that contains psilocybin or psilocin, which are psychedelic compounds that can cause hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. Magic mushrooms are also known as shrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, psychedelic mushrooms, or simply shrooms1.
  • Psilocybin mushroom: This is a more specific keyword that refers to any mushroom that contains psilocybin as its main active ingredient. Psilocybin is converted into psilocin in the body before it reaches the brain and produces its effects. Psilocybin mushrooms are also known as liberty caps, golden teachers, or simply liberty caps2.
  • Psilocybin trip: This is a keyword that refers to the experience of taking psilocybin mushrooms and having a psychedelic trip. A psilocybin trip can vary depending on many factors, such as the dose, the set (the mindset and expectations of the user), the setting (the environment and context of consumption), and the individual (the personality and physiology of the user). A psilocybin trip can have positive or negative effects on some people1.
  • Psilocybin effects: This is a keyword that refers to the physical and psychological effects of taking psilocybin mushrooms. Some of these effects include euphoria, altered perception, enhanced creativity, spiritual insights, emotional catharsis, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, paranoia, confusion, panic attacks, psychosis (in rare cases), or flashbacks1.
  • Psilocybin dosage: This is a keyword that refers to how much psilocybin mushrooms one should take to achieve a desired effect. The dosage depends on many factors as well as personal preference. Generally speaking, lower doses (0.5g to 1g) produce mild effects (such as laughter or visual distortions), while higher doses (2g to 5g) produce strong effects (such as ego dissolution or mystical experiences)1.
  • Psilocybin legality: This is a keyword that refers to whether psilocybin mushrooms are legal or illegal in different countries or regions. Psilocybin mushrooms are illegal in most countries around the world due to their potential for abuse and harm. However, some countries have decriminalized or legalized psilocybin for medical or recreational purposes under certain conditions1.
  • Psilocybin therapy: This is a keyword that refers to using psilocybin mushrooms as a form of psychotherapy for various mental health issues such as depression , anxiety , PTSD , addiction , end-of-life distress , etc . Psilocybin therapy involves taking psilocybin under medical supervision in a safe and supportive setting with trained therapists who guide the user through their experience13.
  • Psilocybe cyanescens: This is one of the most potent species of magic mushrooms in UK . It has wavy caps that grow up to 5cm across and turn pale when dried . It stains blue when damaged or bruised . It grows on mulch or wood chips from October

Magic Mushrooms For Sale


  • Psilocybin research: This keyword refers to the scientific and medical research being conducted on psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms. Studies have shown potential benefits of psilocybin in treating mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
  • Magic mushroom identification: This keyword is often used by individuals looking to identify different species of magic mushrooms. It’s important to note that accurate identification is crucial as some mushrooms can be poisonous.
  • Magic mushroom hunting: This keyword is used by individuals who forage for magic mushrooms in the wild. However, it’s important to note that in many places, including the UK, it’s illegal to pick magic mushrooms with the intent to use them for their psychedelic properties.
  • Magic mushroom cultivation: This keyword refers to the process of growing magic mushrooms at home. While it’s possible to cultivate magic mushrooms, it’s illegal in many places, including the UK.
  • Magic mushroom effects: This keyword refers to the psychedelic effects that can occur after consuming magic mushrooms, such as visual hallucinations, changes in perception, and altered states of consciousness.
  • Magic mushroom dosage: This keyword refers to the amount of magic mushrooms that should be consumed to experience their psychedelic effects. Dosage can vary widely depending on the species of mushroom and the individual’s body weight, metabolism, and tolerance.
  • Magic mushroom legality: This keyword refers to the legal status of magic mushrooms. In the UK, magic mushrooms are classified as a Class A drug, making it illegal to possess, supply, or produce.
  • Magic mushroom risks: This keyword refers to the potential risks and side effects associated with magic mushroom use, including nausea, paranoia, panic attacks, and the risk of having a “bad trip”.
  • Magic mushroom trip reports: This keyword refers to personal accounts of individuals’ experiences with magic mushrooms. These can provide insight into the effects of magic mushrooms, but should not be used as a guide for use.
  • Magic mushroom strains: This keyword refers to the different species or strains of magic mushrooms, each of which can have different levels of psilocybin and thus different effects.

Buy Magic Mushrooms UK

The Best Magic Mushroom Brands and Products Quick Recommendation

Hey there, if you’re in a hurry, be sure to check out our quick product list for some fast recommendations. If you have more time, feel free to scroll down for more in-depth reviews.

  • TRE House: Magic Mushroom Chocolate Bar: Elevate Your Senses with Mind – Melting Chocolate Bars!
  • TRE House: Magic Mushroom Gummies: Convenient and All – Natural Mushroom Gummies for Daily Wellness
  • Mushroom Lyfe: Euphoric Mushroom Gummies: Elevate your mood with natural, fast – acting euphoric gummies
  • BudPop: Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Gummies: Elevate Your Mind with Legal Amanita Muscaria Gummies!
  • Koi: MusciMind Gummies: Natural Mood-Boosting Gummies for Euphoric Mental Well-Being


Dried psilocybin mushrooms have become increasingly popular in Canada and around the world for good reason. We think that everyone should have access to the magical therapeutic benefits of dried mushrooms, which can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including anxiety, depression, headaches, and more. When you purchase magic mushrooms online at FunGuyz in Canada, you can be sure that you are getting premium mushrooms along with round-the-clock customer service, a wealth of educational resources, reasonable prices, and more.


Buy the best microdosing capsules online at Funguyz in Canada to increase your productivity, creativity, and mood. Microdosing is a popular practice among everyone, from Silicon Valley employees to mothers on maternity leave. It involves taking tiny sub-perceptual doses of psilocybin (the main psychoactive component in magic mushrooms) to gain its advantages without experiencing hallucinations.


Buy magic mushroom edibles online at Funguyz in Canada and get the best deals on mushroom products. Magic mushroom edibles are the ideal way to get the most out of your transformational trip. In our online shop, we have an extensive selection of psilocybin edibles to suit even the pickiest taste, from milk and dark chocolates to vegan gummies and beyond.


When you buy shroom chocolate online in Canada at FunGuyz, you get top-quality products that will be delivered right to your doorstep in no time. Many shroom connoisseurs consider psilocybin chocolate bars to be the best magic mushroom edibles. The rich chocolate taste perfectly masks earthy and bitter dried shrooms. Pre-made and carefully dosed mushroom chocolates are a perfect blend that creates a delicious and healthy treat.


A well-balanced combination of delicious tapioca, water, and your preferred strain yields calming and euphoric effects; buy shroom gummies online at Funguyz in Canada and enjoy them anywhere. Psilocybin gummies are another fantastic way to connect with the cosmos.


The benefits of purchasing magic mushrooms online are unique. We pride ourselves on offering only the highest quality magic mushrooms, sourcing each batch from seasoned growers and putting them through rigorous quality control measures to ensure purity and potency. We understand the anxiety associated with purchasing natural psychedelics, which is why we guarantee discreetly packaged products delivered straight to your doorstep. Our product selection is updated frequently, so you are sure to find something that suits your tastes. Our 24/7 online support team does everything possible to ensure that you always feel understood and welcomed .

Shrooms Delivery !!
Are you looking to buy magic mushrooms online?

Get your magic mushrooms with our express delivery! We deliver discreetly and quickly to your door! You can purchase dried mushrooms, psilocybin edibles, dmt vapes, or microdosing capsules online at any time. We offer FREE shipping on orders over $199 throughout Canada. Take a look at our delivery area and place an order today!

Enhanced Range


We've taken our amazing mushroom extract and combined them with more powerful and proven ingredients for even better results. Each ingredient has been carefully chosen to complement each other for products that do exactly what they say on the tin (or bottle).

Frequently asked questions


Dive into our FAQ for more details

How to avoid a bad trip with psilocybin ?A “bad trip” refers to an unpleasant experience while under the influence of psilocybin, characterized by anxiety, fear, or distressing hallucinations. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to remember that the effects are temporary. It may help to change your surroundings, listen to calming music, or speak with a trusted friend. At FunGuyz, we recommend having a ‘trip sitter’ – a sober person who can watch over you and provide reassurance. Additionally, grounding techniques such as deep breathing or meditation can be beneficial.

How to be careful about oyher substances that interact with psilocybin?Combining psilocybin with other substances, including alcohol, prescription medications, or other recreational drugs, can lead to unpredictable effects and increase the risk of a negative experience. Some combinations can be dangerous and may exacerbate the side effects or lead to harmful interactions.

What are the ways to make sure I stay safe on mushrooms trips ?Safety is paramount when it comes to experiencing pilocybin. Here are some tips to ensure a safer experience:

Use a trusted source like FunGuyz to obtain your mushrooms to ensure quality and purity.

Start with a low dose, especially if you are a beginner.

Have a sober trip sitter present who can help you navigate any challenging experiences.

Trip in a safe, comfortable, and familiar environment.

Avoid mixing with other substances.

Stay hydrated, and avoid taking mushrooms on an empty stomach to mitigate nausea.

It is also advisable to monitor your current mental health status.

if you have a history of psychosis or a severe mental illness, psilocybin may not be advisable.

When should I stop taking pilocybin so as not to fail a drug test?Standard five-panel drug tests typically do not screen for psilocybin or psilocin. However, more extensive testing, like ten-panel drug tests, can detect these substances. Psilocybin is usually metabolized and eliminated within 24 hours, but this can depend on various factors, including the dose and the individual’s metabolism. If you use psilocybin regularly, it and its metabolites can stay in your system for three days or longer. For those concerned about drug testing, it is essential to consider the timing and nature of the test.

Can I build up a tolerance to magic mushrooms?As with all substances, it is a possibility. We recommend spacing your mushroom experiences to minimize the risk of tolerance, ideally waiting at least three days to one week between sessions.

Are magic mushroom addictive?Psilocybin is not considered addictive in the traditional sense because it does not cause compulsive drug-seeking behavior, and it does not lead to physical dependence. However, like many substances that alter perception, there is a potential for psychological dependency in some individuals. Our advocates for responsible use and recommends users be mindful of their consumption patterns.

Can magic mushrooms be used for therapeutic purposes?Emerging research suggests that psilocybin has potential therapeutic benefits for a variety of mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

What should I do if I want to experience magic mushrooms for the first time?If you’re considering trying magic mushrooms for the first time, you can read our blog articles with a complete newbie guide. Here are some steps to consider:

Choose a safe, interruption-free environment;
Consider your mental state before proceeding;
Have a trusted friend to guide you through the experience, if possible
You should always start with a very low dose to understand your sensitivity to psilocybin. You can also buy Golden Teacher, an extremely mild strain that is best for first-time users.

How can I learn about the different strains and varieties of magic mushrooms?We provide a comprehensive guide to the various strains and their expected potency and effects. It’s important to understand that different strains can produce vastly different experiences. We encourage users to read through our educational materials, talk to experienced users, and start with well-known varieties suitable for beginners.

Is it legal to buy magic mushrooms online?For now, psilocybin remains a Schedule 3 substance, but it can soon be changed. As we know, there are two sides to everything. Macrodosing, where hallucinations and extreme highs can occur, is just one aspect of psilocybin. This usually happens when you buy shrooms online for that specific purpose. Microdose is the other side of use cases with psilocybin, which is a balanced dose that promotes better brain function, cognition, mood, and psychomotor abilities.

As Dr. Walsh told Neuroscience News, “Our findings of improved mood and reduced symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress add to the growing conversation about the therapeutic potential of microdosing.”

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